
Experience the workshops at INTENTION

Workshops are one of the places where Intention really gets to show off its heart and showcase our community's gifts!

A big part of the culture of Intention is creating a safe place where people can explore their self-expression. Get vulnerable or silly or do something new and exciting, digest it all over meals with new friends, then shake it out and integrate it on the dance floor!!

Maybe you'll find yourself singing in a way you never have before, exploring wild or thought-provoking ideas, or playing with a new way to move in the world… From yoga and conscious movement that energizes our bodies to meditation sessions and philosophical discussions that stimulate the intellect, INTENTION’s Workshops will enrich your experience and offer you the chance to cultivate new interests while connecting with your co-participants. 

Workshop applications for Winter Intention 2019 are now closed.

Here are the workshops being offered at Winter Intention 21:


Fermentation - Simple Techniques for Complex Flavours and Gut Health - We will learn how to make four ferments other than sauerkraut, discuss how to use the techniques to utilize a wide range of seasonal produce, taste the finished examples, discuss health benefits and alternative approaches to increasing gut health.


Yoga Nidra - Exploratory Rest to Awaken the New Year - Yoga nidra, or 'yogic sleep', is a practice of conscious rest. Participants are guided into deep relaxation through pranayama (breathwork), focused attention on marna (landmark) points on the body, san kalpa (intention setting), and a visualization journey. Within this state of deep rest, psychic shifts, along with healing, repairing, and revisioning, are invited to take place.


Effective Altruism - Effective altruism is a philosophy and nascent social movement that uses evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others. It encompasses the choices of your charities and your career. Find out and discuss what it has to say about both!


Kids Who Love Animals - Why do some kids eat animals and some don't? Kids will explore the topic of veganism and the reasons why more families are eating less animals: for their health, our planet, and so the animals can live long, happy lives! Join in for indoor games, story time, crafts, and activities - for kids up to age 12!


Dance and Play Like a Child - This is a family sing along with lots of playful movement and action. Whether you are a child or have an inner child that wants to play, this is for you. Great community and family event for all ages!! Let's play!!


Women’s Intention Circle - Within this women's circle will be a safe and welcoming space for women to come, be as they are, be held by themselves and one another and to experience the healing qualities of ceremony and ritual.


Learn to Grow Mushrooms - Come explore the magical mycelial world of mushrooms!
In this class we will explore the mysteries of fungi from spores to fruits. We will discuss how to clone mushrooms, germinate cultures from spores, and grow different kinds of mushrooms both indoors and outdoors.


Speed Dating with a Twist - This workshop is for people who are interested in meeting new potential lovers or partners. Participants will be divided into small groups and there will be several rounds of activities centered around practicing deep vulnerability and developing meaningful connections. After each round, new groups will form, allowing everyone to meet. 


Young Forest Warriors - For warriors aged 6-10 who love protecting the forest! Adults welcome. Bring your warm and fuzzy clothes for a nature walk where we'll play games, tell stories, and sing songs dedicated to trees. We'll come in to warm up and do a nature craft, closing out the session with a gratitude circle.


Cuddle Party - Talking about boundaries, consent. Then Cuddling!! People will be guided through different styles of cuddling in a group. You can come and just do what you can/want to.


Chakra Yoga - In this dynamic and flowing class, we will activate and balance our lower chakras with breath, movement, stillness and balance. Open to all levels. 


Finding Your Ideal Partner - Single and ready to call in your ideal partner?  Learn EFT Tapping (a.k.a., Emotional Freedom Techniques) and learn how to clear limiting beliefs that get in the way to what is possible. Then you can then become crystal clear about your intention for an ideal partner.


Vice Magazine Vision Board Crafternoon – Looking for direction for the new year or just want to add some art to your boring walls? Make vision boards from Vice Magazines! Dirty, sexy, funny, cool, the images in these magazines are on the nose so you can make art that is on point! Vice Magazines provided, some scissors and glue provided. Please bring additional magazines/books to cut up, glue and scissors if you can.


Empathy and Vulnerability - In this workshop, we create a safe space for people to experience a feeling that is vulnerable enough that they experience genuine openness and emotional exposure, and help practice staying open and connected to the people around you.


When to End it, When to Stay - Want clarity about your relationship with your partner? Does your partner drive you crazy? I have never come across a faster process than Emotional Freedom Techniques (a.k.a. EFT or Tapping) to get clarity. I’ll present a framework that I use in Relationship Coaching with couples, and explain how to address each component of the framework.


Be Onesie With Yourself - Face your inner onesie if you dare. This workshop will take participants on a journey from the self to the onesie and back. Through meditation, movement and intention we will create a container to explore what it means to become the onesie.


Rap Games for People Who Don’t Rap - Never thought of yourself as a rapper but think it might be fun? Does the mere thought of rapping make you break into a sweat? Then this workshop might be for you! We’ll do some exercises to open up the throat chakra, set a safe space to get silly and slowly warm up with games and exercises. For rappers, non-rappers and everyone in between!


Flow Arts Workshop - Have a flow wand/levitation wand/levi stick and not sure what to do with it? Kate has been wanding for nigh on 5 years and can show you a thing or two. You will need your own wand to participate. Suitable for ages 10+. Wands ARE toys but they are to be used for graceful, careful practice. For this reason this workshop is probably unsuitable for young or very very short children. Please wear warm, close fitting clothing.


Pure Magic: A Magical Yoga Class - Unlike anything you have ever experienced before. A little bit of yoga? A little dance? Maybe art? Who up to this deep and transformational workshop with an open mind and open heart. Tune into the inner child, and set yourself free.


Inner Child Nature Exploration -  Let's go outside and play as or like children. Explore nature with wonder.  Let's see what she has to show us as we let nature herself guide us on a hike. We will be singing and making up songs as we go. Let’s get down and dirt in nature and feel, smell and touch what she is telling us.


Witnessing Circle - Witnessing circle is where we have an opportunity to reflect on the year that has just passed, and to speak to our hopes for the coming year while witnessed by community.  Hold space for others who want to share something about 2019 or 2020 that they would like witnessed by the Intention community, or experience the support of the Intention Gathering with something about your year that's gone by and the year that's yet to come.


Unlock Your Creativity - This workshop will explore what blocks we currently have around creativity and how we can shift them to generate more flow. I will be leading you through a Shamanic journey (similar to a guided meditation) where we will be working with our inner children, guides and other curious creatures. There will be moments of play as well as practical ideas that you can add to your toolbox, so bring your journals and a pen! I look forward to seeing you there.


Sacred Song Circle - As we turn into the season of darkness, we gather to raise our voices, celebrating the cycles of nature and connecting with a deeper truth. No singing experience needed. Music is medicine for all!


Meditative Musical Sound Journey - Andrew will lead participants on a magical meditative musical sound journey performed on unique invented instruments, drawing from musical traditions of India, Africa, & the Middle East.


Fire Purification Ritual - Surrender to the element of fire in a ritual to burn away and transmute our deeply held grief, pain and darkness. In this ritual expect to go deep as we ask the fire to transmute and purify that which no longer serves us, so we may step into 2020 anew. Making an offering to the fire is how we begin, please bring an offering to be burned by the fire (not returned) - such as tobacco, herbs, smudge, crystals, special objects, items gathered from nature. Offerings are also available during the ritual from Dani. This is a closed circle, so please respect the ritual by arriving on time, and earlier if possible.


The Question Game - The Question Game is an interactive game of questions and answers. It's a way to know others and be known and seen yourself on a deeper level. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions while sitting in the audience and (if they desire) to be the Questionee and answer questions from the stage. The game can be as tame or as spicy as you like, and always produces a sense of joy and interrelatedness. The Question Game has been shown to reliably produce huge smiles, deeper connection, authentic laughs, and unexpected revelations. Tested at various events and festivals over the past 3 years, come experience The Question Game for yourself, know yourself and others deeper, make new connections, and learn how to bring The Question Game to your next gathering.