Getting There

Located near Langdale Ferry on the sunshine coast

Camp Elphinstone (Google Maps) is located near Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast of B.C. - a 8 minute drive from Langdale Ferry terminal. Coming from Vancouver, it is a 40 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay terminal.  Click here for ferry schedules.


By Car: Cost is $46.60 + $13.90 per passenger to take a vehicle on the ferry round-trip from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale.  We recommend making a reservation if driving.  (You can get greater discounts by purchasing an Experience Card so that you save $10.65 for a car and $3 on passenger ticket.)

Rideshare: We highly recommend car pooling for both cost-saving and environmental reasons. Add your name to the Rideshare doc, and if you like (e.g. if you're adding it late) also post on the Facebook Event page.


Getting TO the ferry: There's a ~$3 Vancouver city bus to Horseshoe Bay terminal in West Vancouver. A ferry round trip is ~$14 for walk on passengers (bikes have an extra $2 charge). To get to Camp Elphinstone FROM the ferry, you have the following options...

By Foot or Bike: Walking takes under 20 mins and biking under 10. If your stuff is too heavy you could see if someone on the rideshare board (or a friend) can take it by car separately.

By Shuttle: We've scheduled free shuttle buses to meet the ferries with the highest predicted number of attendees. Here's the shuttle schedule

By Taxi: Call the Gibsons branch (NB!) of Sunsine Coast Taxi on 604-886-7337. A taxi from the ferry to the camp is approximately $10.

Personal pickups

If none of the above work, the first fallback is to schedule a pickup by Kate ahead of time here. But if you need one unexpectedly, a second fallback is now calling 7782334459 to get picked up by Grahame.