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Workshop Application Form – Winter Intention 21

Intention is a wonderful opportunity for individuals to share skills, magic, and love with the community! .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

Is there something you know that you are open to teaching others, or a group activity you want to share? We are looking for everything from:

creative / crafty,
personal development,
children-oriented, to
relationships and sexuality

Would you love to lead a group in...........?

⭐ Repurposing
⭐ Arts and crafts
⭐ Singing circle
⭐ Drumming
⭐ Clowning
⭐ Expressive / Interpretive dance
⭐ Yoga
⭐ Communication modalities
⭐ Relationships / sex / cuddles
⭐ Philosophy discussions
⭐ Kids programs
⭐ Techie geek-outs
⭐ Nature walks
⭐ Storytelling time


Still wondering what you could do? How about:

⭐ A challenge you’ve overcome?
⭐ What are you most passionate about? What most excites you?
⭐ What sorts of things do you love sharing with others?
⭐ A cool thing you've created?


The sky is the limit!  Simple or complex.  If you think you might want it to happen, bring it. ❤️

If you'd like to facilitate a workshop or lead an activity, please fill out the form below.

We will be accepting applications until December 14th.

Facilitating a workshop can count as your volunteer contribution for the event!

Contact workshops[at]intentiongathering[dot]org for more info.

Please DO NOT USE EMOJI CHARACTERS when filling out the form, or you will get an error message!