
 images of people and food

One of the things that makes Intention fun and unique and helps create bonds with other participants is that we eat healthy meals together.

All meals will be vegetarian, with vegan and gluten-free options available.

All meals are included in your ticket price.  But please bring any snacks or special items you would miss otherwise.  These should be kept in the kitchens in the lodges. There is a microwave and mini-fridge in each 32-person lodge. No other cooking appliances allowed.

ABSOLUTELY NO NUTS ANYWHERE IN THE CAMP!  This is essential to our contract with the camp and the safety of children who will be using the facilities in the future.

Also NO ANISE/FENNEL/LICORICE: one of our attendees has a life-threatening allergy to these and cannot be in the same room as them. They are commonly found in Fisherman's Friends, Chai Tea, other teas, curries, mixed spices.

Please let us know of all food allergies and any special dietary requirements on your registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact kitchen[at]intentiongathering[dot]org