Intention 16 Registration


Step#1: Register Online

Registration is now CLOSED! When you arrive at the camp you will be asked to sign the Intention 16 Conditions of Use and Release & Waiver of Liability

A reminder for those who have applied for subsidy. Subsidies are not guaranteed, they are dependent on registration and donations. However, in the last four years we've paid out 100% of subsidy requests, we're running the numbers now and doing our very best to make that happen again this year.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

If you have any questions about registration, please send them to registration[at]intentiongathering[dot]org or call Michael Bean at (604) 801-7050

Step #3: Participate!

Intention is a volunteer-driven, co-created event, so if you're attending then you're part of the co-creation! Please explore the "Participate / Co-Create" links in the side menu to find out more about how you can get involved.