Workshops are one of the places where Intention really gets to show off its heart and showcase our community's gifts!
A big part of the culture of Intention is creating a safe place where people can explore their self-expression. Get vulnerable or silly or do something new and exciting, digest it all over meals with new friends, then shake it out and integrate it on the dance floor!!
The final workshop schedule with descriptions is now in our event programme:
in no particular order:
::Group Art Therapy Session: Working with Fears - Elena::
This workshop is focused on working with fear through Art Therapy techniques (Therapeutic Drawing). For this session you can take any current fear that is present in your life. Art therapy is a gentle and effective method for working with your inner world. Program: 1. Introduction and Preparation 2. Art Therapy Exercises 3. Discussion and Final Sharing.
Facilitator Bio: Hi my name is Elena. I am psychologist and life coach from Russia, specializing in Art Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Transformational Coaching with a holistic approach. I have five years of experience working with clients, conducting individual sessions, as well as group trainings, women’s circles, and lectures. I am 34 years old, spent 10 years traveling, and have visited 40 countries. I have been living in Vancouver for 1.5 years and am eager to share my experience with the local community.
::Candlelight Yin Yoga - Shaina::
::New Years Eve Ritual - Kate::
Get a taste of New Year’s Eve rituals from all over the world, in a very tongue in cheek manner. From dancing with bears to running with suitcases- and more. We need volunteers to facilitate on the night; and are calling out for coloured bras, teddy bears, and suitcases. Please bring items for the rituals; they can be picked up on New Year’s Day! This will take place from 10pm-12am on New Year’s Eve- on and around the Dancefloor.
Facilitator Bio: Kate Ferguson doesn’t believe in superstition but she also doesn’t believe in coincidence. Celebrate the new year in a mad dash around the Dancefloor to set yourself up for the luckiest, most love filled, cosmically groovy year to date- everything Kate would wish for you.
::The Tower of Doom: Dungeons and Dragons for Kids and Parents! - Even & Sage O::
Join Sage and Even on a one shot adventure where kids and parents use their imagination and role play to defeat monsters, solve puzzles and make new friends. No prior D&D experience required, but a knowledge of and interest in the game and the ability to sit for 2 hours without bouncing off of walls will make this more fun for everyone. Reach out to Even to sign up early as six is the max number we can take.
Even and Sage love fantasy and roleplaying and will be co-DMing for their first time ever. Don't expect anything crazy polished, but hopefully it'll be a fun adventure for all involved.
::Needle Felting - Bri::
Come learn how to needle felt! Needle felting is the art of stabbing wool with a barbed needle about 100000+ times to compact it and knot it together to form a shape. It's also a great way to calm the mind. We'll be making a cute little woodland creature. Feel free to make it as unique as you want. You're only limited by your imagination.
Facilitator Bio: Hi my name is Bri. I'm just an ADHD girl who has been through many hyperfixations. Needle felting was one of my favorites and I'd love to share it.
::Tarot Readings for the New Year - Kate::
Come have a simple 3-card spread tarot reading that addresses your question: What can I do/embody/look for to achieve my desired outcome in situation X? We’ll take time to refine your question, ensuring clarity about your true intentions. Tarot readings involve a degree of vulnerability and intimacy between you, me, and the universe, and sometimes reveal things you already know or truths you may not want to hear. Please have a rough question prepared.
Facilitator Bio: Kate Ferguson has been reading cards for herself and others for some time and although her readings are nearly always alarmingly accurate, she definitely still considers herself an amateur. The style of reading mirrors Kate’s own communication style- direct and to the point. Sometimes a reading comes in the form of a kick in the pants.
::Embodied Movement - Zoe::
::UFOs - Fact or Fiction? - Michael D::
In December 2017, the New York Times & Washington Post published 3 leaked infrared videos, allegedly showing encounters by US Navy jets with unusually shaped, fast-moving aircraft, leading to fevered public speculation. (The videos: “FLIR” (‘Tic Tac’), “GIMBAL,” and “GOFAST.” In Feb. 2020, the US Navy confirmed the existence of the videos, and officially released them. (Allegedly there were daily UFO sightings by navy officials around the aircraft carriers off San Diego, daily for several weeks).
We begin with the facilitator giving a balanced, evidence-based presentation of these and other recent alleged UFO ‘sightings.’ Followed with a general discussion. Then we break into small groups for more intimate conversations (anything space or speculation related - UFOs, colonization of Mars, mycelium from space, Etc.). Finally, we’ll reconvene again as a big group, to get a sense of our findings and any conclusions that can be drawn.
Humans have always been fascinated with space and the possibility of intelligent life “out there” - from the ancient Nazca Lines in Peru, to the Dogon people in Mali’s mysterious relationship to the dog star Sirius, to Betty and Barney Hill’s alleged abduction in 1961. The recent US government videos give rise to new speculation and create even more interest in the UFO phenomenon.
: Michael works in Information Services (Reference) at the Vancouver Public Library. While not himself a UFO enthusiast, he became intrigued by the videos when they were leaked in 2017. He is also an experienced facilitator. He offers a critical, reasoned approach to the subject, and looks forward to sharing & discussing this intriguing topic with you.
::Speed Friending - Wendy Nova::
::Collaging and Vision Boarding - Kate::
It’s back by popular demand! Collaging and Vision Boarding using Vintage Vice Magazines, international nudie magazines, and other donated materials. Make art. Make a vision board and interpret it afterward. Do whatever you like, really. Scissors, glue, magazines, art paper and bumpin tunes provided. It’s a lovely way to spend a morning with your friends, get loose and get creative.
Facilitator Bio: Kate Ferguson is an artist, has been a successful coach, and has taught at Vancouver Film School. She loves to love, loves to see people living their brightest, most self expressed lives, and believes creativity can be unlocked in any person. All it takes is the willingness to say yes to your ideas, and look for beauty in every nook and cranny.
::How to Find Your Power Animal - Willy L::
::Come Make a Beaded Stacking Ring - Wilf Z::
::Safety, Boundaries, and Joy: Building a Nourishing Life Through Self-Care - Aliza and Kaia::
This interactive workshop will explore how safety, boundaries, and meeting your needs create a foundation for joy and self-nourishment. Through movement, discussion, and reflection, you’ll reconnect with yourself, gain tools to prioritize self-care, and leave feeling inspired to cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Facilitator Bio - Aliza is a life coach in a counseling program with 10 years of recovery from addiction and a deep understanding of life’s challenges. Her experiences have taught her the importance of self-care, boundaries, and personal growth. She is passionate about sharing these tools to help others create joyful, balanced, and nourishing lives.
Kaia Luna has been a part of this intentional dance community for nearly 20 years. She has wisdom to share as a women, mother, and naturalist. She is guided by her intuition and ability to hold space and listen on a deep level to her friends and community. She is currently studying life coaching and counselling and is curious to explore the depths of the human experience. Her approach is holistic, by looking at the whole person:' mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
::Commodification and Consent - Kate::
Welcome to the commodification game! Over the weekend, players can buy in anytime for $25 Big Bucks per $5 of real money. Enjoy the fun of commodifying every experience, while exploring themes of wealth, power, and consent. On the final day, players cash out, with prizes for the top earners. Half the pot goes to the winner. $80 second place prize. The rest of the pot going to Intention Org for future endeavours. Kate will have a clear plastic “bank” satchel on her at all times and is ready for players to buy in at any time throughout the weekend. As “the bank” Kate will unfortunately not be able to play the game herself. Though she may at times use the bank to motivate and inspire players to further action.
Facilitator Bio: Kate Ferguson is not the devil. She’s just been gifted with the divine spark of creativity. At its core, creativity can be seen as an act of transgression. It challenges norms, breaks boundaries, and defies convention. This rebellious spirit can be seen as akin to the devil's role as the ultimate challenger of authority. Kate invites individuals to question established beliefs, and use creativity to explore the forbidden, the unconventional, and the taboo.
::Women's Circle - Fierce and Tender Self Compassion - Shaina::
Let's come together in circle to witness each other's celebrations and challenges, and build our capacity for self compassion and healthy boundaries. Shaina will guide you to embody and connect with your self compassion through movement, somatic awareness, and speaking from the heart.
Shaina has been involved with Intention for 14 years now. She is a women's Circle facilitator, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Registered massage therapist, yoga teacher, and mom to a four year old. Shaina loves to create brave spaces to explore our inner landscapes through circles, yoga, and healing work.
::The Art of Detox - Crystal::
- The stages of detox
- How to personalize detox for you
- Transitioning from the SAD to raw vegan
- Eating in order of digestion
- Mono-eating
- How to support yourself at different stages of detox
- How to ease into and come out of a detox
- How to prep for a detox
- Detox symptoms
- The importance of ripening fruit
Facilitator Bio: Hi my name is Crystal. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2008 and lived with its ever increasing symptoms and chronic pain until I received a breast cancer diagnosis in Jan 2020, where I radically changed my life and used the art of detox to save my own life while also healing fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cystic acne and many other symptoms of dis-ease in my body. I have been cancer free since 2021 and understand how to drive detox like a vehicle; using the accelerator and the brake with skill in order to allow the human body to utilize its elegant and intelligent and regenerative system to heal.
Join us for a fun workshop to learn darning techniques while watching classic 1992 Batman episodes. Kate will demonstrate the Speedweave method and share mini looms for use and purchase. *Bring your holey socks, two colors of yarn, a burnt-out LED lightbulb OR jar lid. Donations of yarn scraps are welcomed! -only 4-6ft of each colour are needed to darn a hole! Non-participants are also welcome to quietly laze around and watch Batman, but please don’t disrupt instructions :-)
Facilitator Bio: Kate Ferguson quite recently learned to darn socks and now it’s all she wants to do all the time while sitting on the couch.
and a few more in the final workshop programme: