Registration for Intention 15.5

We are thrilled that you're registering for Intention 15.5!

  • You will receive an email with directions to the site.  If you don't get this email, let us know!
  • Book your ferries to the Sunshine Coast ASAP!  This is a long weekend, and the ferries *WILL* fill up.
  • If you have any allergies, especially strong allergies, make sure to include that in the medical info. 
  • We're accommodating as many food preferences as possible (vegetarian/vegan, gluten free, etc) but if you have any significant food allergies or issues, please connect with one of the organizers.  We'll try our best to accommodate everyone.
  • On the subject of food preferences - if you want to eat meat, please bring your own (and if you cook it in the big kitchen, make sure you've got your foodsafe).  The food included with the ticket price is vegetarian and/or vegan.
  • There will be a ride share document posted soon - watch for updates!

Last but certainly not least, Intention is a co-created event and relies on the generosity and elbow grease of everyone in attendance.  We're looking for volunteers in quite a few places, so please click here and pick a volunteer option where you feel you're a good fit!

 Please note: Registration for Intention 15.5 will close at midnight on July 16th.  Make sure you sign up before then!.

Essentially - if a First Aid person might need to know about it in case of an injury or accident or other weird event, please make sure you write something about it here. *******In Particular: if you have allergies, please specify if your allergies are mild / moderate / serious / anaphalactic

Once you click "submit" below, please go to our Eventbrite page and send your payment!  You will be given the link once the form is submitted.  If you are not going to be paying right away, you should bookmark this link now: