Games Pod

Games Pod brings the FUN times to Intention.  We provide the tribe with the Summer Games, fun activities and laughter!  If you like writing riddles, treasure hunts and silly rhymes, this is a great pod for you!  

In 2013, expect fun for everyone, all ages and genders, there's something for YOU. There's secret fairy stone games, techno bear tribes, healthy competition, treasure hunts and collaboration....



It was a hot summer and a young boy was walking with his grandmother to the field where the annual games were held.  As they passed the various groups practicing, the young man hung back, uncertain and unwilling to join any.  As they approached the running races about to start, several boys called out to invite the grandson to join them in the race.  He shook his head no and hid behind his grandmother.  "Why do you not join your cousins in the races?" she asked.  "I am a slow runner, Grandmother, and I do not like to lose," was his reply.  They stood watching as the race began and all the boys set out at the fastest pace they could muster.  Quickly it became obvious who would win as one boy pulled ahead of the others, looking back to see if they were catching up.  The other boys ran even faster, trying to catch him, but one boy was definately in last place.  "Do you see that boy at the end?" asked the Grandmother.  "The loser?" asked the grandson.  "No," replied the Grandmother, "the Motivator." The young boy looked at his Grandmother in confusion.  "The Motivator?" he asked, "what do you mean?"

The Grandmother pointed to the boys racing with all their hearts.  "If that last boy were to walk, rather than run with such heart, how fast would the boy in front of him be motivated to race?" She pointed to the boy leading the pack, barely in front of the next fastest runner.  "And that boy at the front, would he be as fast as he is if not chased so closely by the boy behind him?" asked the Grandmother.  The young boy began to understand as he watched the race end and each boy congratulate the others for a race well run.  Even the last boy was cheered for his effort and the motivation he had provided to the rest.

"For the Tribe to be healthy, we must give our best effort," said the Grandmother, "Not to be better than the rest, but for the betterment of all."  

Wanna join in the fun?  Email games[at]intentiongathering[dot]org