October 17, 2020: Clothing-Optional (Read More)

One of Intention’s central values is radical self-acceptance.  This means all of you, mind, body, and soul.

Normally, at our in-person events (and when it is not a pandemic), we can explore the body via contact dance, cuddle puddles, etc.

Instead of feeling like disconnected, floating bodies in space, what if we brought the body more fully back into our online experience?

We think this online event is a safe place to explore and push our own boundaries — we’re extending the invitation for anybody who wishes to get increasingly naked as the night goes on!

The earlier part of the night will be like a fully-clothed party in a park, the middle will be tops optional, and the last part of the night will be more like a party on a public, clothing-optional beach.

Intention is about creative self-expression, authenticity, and pushing our boundaries in safe and healthy ways. To celebrate everyone’s bodies (and we mean EVERYONE’S bodies — all shapes, sizes, genders, ages, abilities, etc), you will be increasingly invited to explore the edge of your body-positivity comfort zone. You are encouraged to bring yourself, adorned with creative costumes/makeup/etc. or just yourself.

  • From 11pm on: we will travel to another dimension and invite upper-body nudity.
  • From 1am on: we will jump through the next portal and invite full nudity.


Though it hasn’t always been explicitly encouraged, our events have already been open to nudity.  We would like to see a world where all of our bodies are celebrated and not shamed or unnecessarily sexualized, so we are bringing extra attention to this for this event.


Contact info[at]intentiongathering[dot]org for further questions around our body-positive initiative for this event.



* This is a family-friendly event throughout. Please be aware that there may be children present at any time, and conduct yourself accordingly.

** No recordings of any kind will be allowed during the event. We can't, however, guarantee the digital security of any participant.

*** For your safety, we will have moderators supporting throughout the event.